A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels

For the Love of Kampot

Sometimes, on your journeys, you encounter places that make you feel warm and fuzzy, that make you smile, that linger in your memories. You’re not really sure why; they’re just ordinary towns with ordinary people. Often there’s nothing to DO there. But you never feel bored when you’re there, you just feel content.

For us, Kampot, a little town on the river on the southern coast of Cambodia, is one of those places. I’ve found that it’s usually the cumulative effect of little things that make a place stand out: Crumbling French architecture.  Little boutiques.  A do-good cafe with chocolate chip cookies, French press coffee and French toast with sweet bananas and wild honey. Sunsets over the river.  Strolls down a riverside arcade. People living their lives and minding their own business.  A new obsession with pungent local pepper.  A real, actual salad with real, actual bacon.  A random NFL towel hanging on a fence.  Road trips on a scooter.  Flowering trees.  Chickens strapped to every surface of a minivan. Absolute, pure squeals of joy and delight from little kids hamming it up for pictures again and again and again until your memory card is almost full.

It’s hard to predict when a town will capture your heart, but sometimes it just does.

2 Responses to “For the Love of Kampot”

  1. You guys are making me miss Cambodia so much it hurts. 🙂

  2. I’m so glad you guys are enjoying your time in Cambodia. We loved it there very, very much; and Kampot in particular was one of our favorites too. 🙂

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