A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels

Rainy weather at Lake Bled…

…means blog improvements.  Check out the new FAQ section at the top.  I’ve also added an email subscription form on the side, so please subscribe if you would like an email each day that the blog is updated (except for those procrastinators who actually prefer to manually check back multiple times in a day, not that I would have ever known anyone like that).  I hope to add something to the blog soon that updates our current destination (currently, Slovenia).  Thanks for reading!

3 Responses to “Rainy weather at Lake Bled…”

  1. Heather says:

    Oh no! Hope that you will get some nice weather! Lake Bled is where Greg proposed to me – so it holds a special place in my heart!

  2. Amy says:

    Heather, I didn’t realize you two got engaged at Lake Bled…I can see why Greg chose to propose to you here, it is beautiful location.

  3. Amy says:

    Okay, so I can’t find a good WordPress plug-in that automatically updates your location. They all seem too complicated. I’ll do it the manual way, unless if someone has a suggestion.

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