A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels


Hello, everyone. Just a quick update to say that if you tried to leave us a comment recently, we did not get it. Something went awry without our knowledge and all comments disappeared into cyberspace. We are very sorry and will try to fix this as soon as we can. Too bad that like other foreign languages, we know nothing about html.

We finally figured out our photo process while we had some fast internet in San Sebastian, so we uploaded some photos from Spain. We added a link on the sidebar, or you can find them here:


As you probably figured out, the blog is not real time, and just updated when we get a chance to write posts and have decent internet connections. So we will catch you up with San Sebastian soon…it is a great little beach town. Onwards to Paris tomorrow! (Unfortunately, our friend Matty tells us the internet connection at his apartment is not good).

One Response to “Hola.”

  1. cousin Mark says:

    great stuff on the go car—viaje con cuidado, por favor!

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